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native costumes, gathered along the street, each with some trifle to sell, and
each walking with a pride of bearing that belied the menial position into
which they were placed by the Russians. The Tlingits had been a warlike
people, an intelligent people, physically of great strength, who were in no
way awe-struck or frightened by Russian weapons. They had wiped out the first
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colony at Sitka in 1802, and given the right opportunity, believed they could
do it again. Pausing before the clubhouse built by Etolin as a home for
employees of the company, Jean watched two husky promyshleniki stagger by,
drunk and hunting trouble. Shin Boyar was across the street, but he waited
until the promyshleniki were gone before he crossed.
He stopped near LaBarge and without looking at him, said quietly, You kicked
up a fuss, Cap n. Feller from the Castle hustled to the waterfront, jumped
into a boat and took off for that new patrol ship, the Lena. Rudakof was
acting with more intelligence than he had given him credit for possessing. He
must have come upon a plan that would place him in a better bargaining
position before they met at dinner.
Found a man I know, Boyar continued, told me Zinnovy threw a scare into
Rudakof. Officially, the director outranks him, but Zinnovy has frightened
Rudakof with his influence in St. Petersburg.
Go back to the boat and tell the boys I want a close watch. At the first
sign of that Russian square-rigger I want to be notified, no matter where I am
or what I m doing.
They could leave now, but payment depended on delivery of the wheat, and
moreover, he needed the cargo space. The schooner was small and lightly built,
and without that space he could do nothing.
He walked to the knoll and seated himself at a table in one of the tearooms.
A girl came to his table, smiling in a friendly way, and he ordered honey
cakes and tea. Sitting over the tea he tried to surmise what Rudakof was
planning. Obviously, he wanted neither to lose the wheat nor see the schooner
leave before Zinnovy returned.
The waitress was a pretty blonde with braids wrapped around her head and dark
blue eyes that laughed when her lips smiled. Her mouth was wide and friendly,
and as she refilled his cup, her eyes caught his. You are Boston man? Yes.
You have beautiful ship. She spoke carefully and chose her words
hesitantly. When I was small girl a Boston man gave me a doll from China. He
said he had a little girl like me.
I ll bet, Jean smiled at her, he d like a big girl like you. Maybe. I
think so. Her eyes danced. Most Boston men like to have girl. She wrinkled
her nose at him. Even Eskimo girl.
An idea came to him suddenly. How much pressure could Rudakof stand? Suppose
a little pressure could be generated?
He spoke casually. Count Rotcheff ordered a cargo of wheat for delivery here
on my ship, and now Rudakof won t accept it.
He is a fool! She spoke sharply. Then what he had said registered. You
have wheat? Oh, but we need it! You must not take it away! I d like to
unload tonight or tomorrow, he said, but I doubt if I can get a permit.
You wait! She turned quickly and went into the kitchen, and listening, he
heard excited talk. A few minutes later a stocky, hard-faced Russian emerged
from the kitchen and stalked angrily out the door. LaBarge sat back in the
chair. The tea was good and the honey cakes like nothing aboard ship. He had a
feeling something had been started that not even Rudakof could stop. Sitka was
a small town. In the several hours before he was to meet Rudakof at dinner
everyone in town would know he had a cargo of wheat, and if a wheat shortage
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existed, the director should begin to feel the protests. When he had finished
his tea he placed a gold coin on the table. When she handed him his change, he
brushed it aside. You did not tell me your name? Dounia. She blushed. And
Jean LaBarge.
It is too much. I cannot take the money.
He accepted the change, then returned half of it. With a quick glance to see
if anyone saw, she pocketed it. You might, he suggested, whisper something
to the man who just left.
My father.
You might whisper that if Rudakof does not unload the cargo promptly, I
shall be forced to leave. Unless and this you must whisper very softly, unless
someone came at night to unload it, someone who could sign for it, someone
reliable, whose name Count Rotcheff would accept.
Rudakof s round face was beaming when Jean came into the room; he seemed a
little drunk and very pleased with himself. It appeared that the problem the
arrival of the Susquehanna presented was deemed to be over. He grasped Jean s
hand eagerly. Come, my friend! Sit down! Whatever else our Castle holds
nobody ever complains of the cellar! What will you have? A bottle of Madeira?
Jean was pleasant but wary. Rudakof was too sure of himself. Thank you, he
said, glancing swiftly around the room.
At Rudakof s signal the servant came with two glasses. Dinner will be served
at once, Rudakof explained, and we have a few guests. Jean tasted the wine.
You have a very interesting city, he said, deciding to strike a blow at
Rudakof s new confidence. I walked about a good deal, and talked with some of
your people.
The smile left the Russian s face. Obviously this did not please him, but his
spirits were too high to be undermined so easily. They toasted their
respective governments and the glasses were refilled. To the Grand Duke
Constantin! Jean proposed.
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